
After you have finished your volunteer application, please wait for an email response within the week. Library staff cannot assist with volunteer applications or information over the phone.

If you have any questions that cannot be answered by the information provided here, please contact our volunteer coordinator at volunteer@lansdalelibrary.org and patiently await a reply.

Individuals looking to help out their local library are always welcome! Whether for community service, school programs, or simply to give back to the library, volunteers of all backgrounds can find a way to contribute.

The available tasks we give to our volunteers can vary over time, as the current needs of the library change. Dusting and straightening shelves, performing inventory checks, and other standard library duties are always in demand of volunteers. During the warmer months, we welcome volunteers to help us with our outdoor garden.

Volunteering Policies


All volunteers must complete and submit PA state and federal background check clearances prior to starting volunteer activities.

Please note that clearances can take one or more weeks to fully process.

Volunteering Hours

Volunteers may perform service during the library's operating hours, but not during the first and last hours of operation (11am - 8pm Monday through Friday, 11am - 2pm Saturday)

Volunteers will be assigned a time slot based upon their availability. Volunteers may only perform service during their assigned time slot. If a volunteer's time slot is not wholly within a time when the volunteer coordinator is present, they must attend a 1-hour volunteer orientation session during the volunteer coordinator's working hours.

Up to 20 hours of volunteering hours may be completed at a time. If more hours are desired, and there are available time slots, volunteers may be granted an additional 20 hours of service

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